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Better eyesight! Yes, that’s the name of the game here. I help people to reduce their glasses and contact lenses reliance and restore people’s natural vision. 

The rate at which one’s eyesight improves is dependent on the individual as there are many variables in improving one’s vision. 


People who have never worn glasses but feel like they aren’t seeing clearly can restore their clear vision in 3-6 months.


Current glasses and contact lenses wearers typically people improve by -0.75 dioptres per year. However, it is known that some people have improved by -1.50 dioptres in one year. 


The rate of improvement depends on many variables, therefore it is sensible to expect a standard rate of improvement of -0.75 per year and consider progress that is faster than that as a bonus. 


Improvements faster than -0.75 dioptres per year are common at the beginning of the process. Especially in the first 3-6 months as many people are currently wearing overprescribed glasses. I have seen people reduce by -1.5 dioptres in their first year. 


Most people notice improvement once they have learned how to active focus. Learning how to do this and following the other steps will determine the speed of success.


Once you have completed the process you can expect not to have to bother with glasses again. Imagine that! A world where you can look up and you can see clearly!

To illustrate what is possible let me show you a timeline of typical vision improvement journey. 


Example 1

Josh: -3.00 dioptre myope


Josh has a -3.00 prescription in both eyes. 


Let’s assume an improvement of -0.75 dioptres per year.


That means it will take 4 years (or 48 months) for Josh to be back to 20/20 vision. 


At first, you might think that this is a long time. But one must consider that once you reach -2.00, most household activities are doable without glasses. For Josh to get to  -2.00 would only take 16 months! At that point he would be glasses free when at home.


He would then be wearing ever decreasing prescriptions over the next 22/3 years (or 32 months).


Also bear in mind that the legal driving requirement in the UK is being able to see 20/40 according to the DVLA (hyperlink -

For most people this is corresponds to roughly -0.75 dioptres. (It varies a little person to person). That is to say a person’s whose glasses prescription is -0.75 may be able to see 20/40 without glasses. 


Therefore Josh’s eyesight could be good enough to pass the driving eyesight test when he has reduced to -0.75 glasses. This may only take him 3 years! What a result.


Josh’s timeline:


Start: -3.00 glasses

Year 1: -2.25 glasses

Year 11/3: -2.00 glasses (household activities doable without glasses)

Year 3: -0.75 glasses (roughly at the point where he can pass the eyesight requirement for driving without glasses)

Year 4: Crystal Clear Vision - No Glasses!


I think you will agree that Josh’s journey is an incredible one. Especially when you consider had he not taken the step to improve his vision he would still be wearing -3.00 glasses (or worse) after 4 years. But he is now back to 20/20 and glasses free clear vision!


Example 2

Lucy: A 10 year old child with -0.75 dioptre myopia

In the next example we are going to look at the case of Lucy, a 10 year old child. 


She has said to her parents that she recently is having difficulty seeing the blackboard in school. Upon testing her eyesight it is apparent that she sees 20/40. This is equivalent to about -0.75 dioptres. At this point she can do most of her childhood activities unaffected but it is necessary to wear a weak glasses prescription to see the blackboard at school.


The key thing to do in Lucy’s situation is to allow her to see the blackboard and then work on improving her vision so that she is back to 20/20 pronto. Depending on the child, the timeline varies between 3 to 9 months but it is very doable. In cases such as Lucy’s it is imperative that periods of distance vision are introduced into her day. This will unlock the ciliary muscle spasm allowing it to relax and she will soon be seeing clearly again. There are many ways that this can be incorporated into the day. Game based activities with rewards can be very effective.


So, it is a great story that with a little habit adjustment in the daily routine Lucy can restore her clear vision rather than being signed up to a lifetime of glasses and contact lenses!

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